You want a single say funk that
Funk that funk that funk that
You want a single say funk that
Funk that funk that funk that
The collab of the century
Thank you #queen!
Hi lesbo it's me faggot your son anyways we're out of milk please get some
heya sport
this is so cute omg!
I'm so glad people remember this silly little fella!
Whenever I feel sad or hopeless or like I want to go hang myself in the living room, I remember this image exists and helps me get through my hard times. This image has single-handedly prevented me from killing myself multiple times. This image was there for me when my dad wasn't. This image was there for me when my girlfriend left me for someone richer and less smelly. This image was there for me when I had the diarrhea shits after eating Taco Bell mixed with airport Starbucks. When nobody else had my back, Shinji-Gerard and Gundam Pepe had mine. Everyday I wake up and I thank God for putting you on this planet so I could witness this with my own two eyes.
When I was a young boy my father took me into the swamp to see a fairy tale creature band.
Ive never read Homestuck and I never will, however I remember in Middle School there was a kid in my class who genuinely believed that he was an IRL Dave strider and every single day he would wear the goofy glasses and a wig and he would try to talk in character as much as possible.
I knew someone just like that. I’m so sorry you had to go through that
I'm losing gallons of cum to this, my balls are fully drained. My testicles are dryer than the Sahara desert.
Age 22, Yo mama
#1 bloodsucker
Cemetery dr, NJ
Joined on 3/11/21